Meet Nicole


Hi, my name is Nicole Beissler

At age 29, my life was a mess and I was almost every day threatened to death by my ex-husband. I looked back at a life full of challenges and abuses from early on and the only thought I had at that time “How can I escape my life?”.

I faced bankruptcy, an abusive marriage and had no confidence in myself. I struggled to make healthy decisions and my day was filled with anxiety and fear of the future. Here’s the thing. I wanted to change. I just couldn’t make myself doing it. Every tiny step felt impossible.

Until one Saturday morning, which changed everything. My ex-husband beat the hell out of me and this time, because of my little boy screaming, I found the courage to leave. This was my wake-up call. With nothing, but my son and the car keys I left and only returned later with a friend to claim my personal belongings.

But still it took me until 2011, another very brave decision, when I gave up my well-paid job in corporate to start over and work in an orphanage in Peru.

There, I learned the real values for life. Despite their (to western standards) poor life conditions, they are far wealthier in terms of how they judge their life and circumstances. Own values ​​and needs are automatically given a completely different status (stress or even burn-out can hardly arise with such an attitude to life). When I returned from Peru I started my Coaching career and build my MUUTOS COACHING business.
Muutos originally is Finnish and means change. Change also means to be courageous!

The sentence 


Is always giving me momentum for the needed changes in my life.

My professional career reflects my constant change. I have experience in various sectors, such as:

Chemistry and pharmaceutical industry

Investment Banks and Insurance Companies

Healthcare and gyms

Automotive industry

Packaging and Recycling

You want to know more about me, send me an email, or contact me thru LinkedIn and Facebook.