Muutos is Finnish and means change. The MUUTOS YOGA is different from what you know so far about Yoga. It will challenge you, change you and in the end transform you!

The word “yoga” comes from Sanskrit, one of the oldest, written languages in the world and means…


Muutos is Finnish and means change. The MUUTOS YOGA is different from what you know so far about Yoga. It will challenge you, change you and in the end transform you!

The word “yoga” comes from Sanskrit, one of the oldest, written languages in the world and means in translation something like “union” of body and mind. For me Yoga is more than just body work and fitness. It also connects the mind and the soul. During my burnout, I found my soul again through yoga. I realized that I have to change something in my life.

I didn’t want to go back into the hamster wheel and included yoga in my holistic coaching program. I teach eight times a week ONLINE and OFFLINE. Besides the regular courses there are also various retreats in Spain. Online, group retreats and also 1:1 special retreats.

My participants say that I am an earth angel. I say I teach the traditional art of Yoga, which unites body, mind AND soul and you will surely take one or the other impulse in every hour that will lead you further to yourself and your soul.

MUUTOS YOGA is suitable for all fitness levels. Because my aspiration is to bring yoga closer to every soul. Yoga not only helps you physically, but is the start of your new life.

You want to get to know me and my MUUTOS YOGA? Then sign up today for a free trial lesson.

In the WhatsApp group, you can read what my participants say after the lessons. So don’t wait too long. Just have a look at us in the WhatsApp group or personally for a class in sunny Spain.

Not ready for yoga yet?

No problem, here you will find some free courses and material to get to know me first!

You want change and transformation in your life so badly? But don’t know where to start first? No problem, just sign up here for the 333 Challenge. You’ll get 3 days of inspiration to help make your life a little bit easier.

Every change begins with the first step!

And don’t worry, you don’t have to quit right away or question your relationship, it’s all about starting with small steps. To get to know yourself better and then, piece by piece, to go your own path more courageously. So what are you waiting for? Complete the form and get started today!

€ 0

How many times have you heard that you set the course for the rest of the day early in the morning? For me, a good morning routine is the basis for a successful day. However, I also know how hard it is to motivate yourself on your own. That’s why I created the Morning Challenge group. From Mondays to Fridays at 6:30am we meet for a joint fitness session via Zoom. A few HIIT units, Pilates, Tabatha, depending on what’s new on Youtube, and then are after 20 minutes, you guaranteed fit enough to start your day. Interested? Then just sign up with the link below and you will get access to the free WhatsApp group and the Zoom link. I look forward to seeing you!

€ 0

Do you know the 4 hidden reasons why high performers in particular get into burnout?

No? Then download the free guide today. Here you’ll gain insight into the topic of burnout and overwhelm. You may even recognize your own patterns.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Believe me, I know what I’m talking about…On and on, higher and higher, until at some point my body went into total shutdown.

Don’t make the same mistake! Download the guide and if you need help, feel free to contact me.

€ 0


from science for you

I didn’t realize how important nutrition is and how it also affects our energy levels until I ran out of energy.

Every day felt heavy, the fatigue in my body allowed only the emergency program. I was sort of running on emergency mode, trudging through the days. First the HEALY fell to me, then BIONIQ and finally the SHARE plum.

A change demands, not only the mind, but also the body to an extreme degree. Don´t underestimate the processes that take place in our bodies that eat up our full energy. This makes the holistic approach all the more important. When you work with me, we look together which way is the right one for you and where possibly your body also needs support.

As an official partner of Healy we offer aura measurements and frequency treatments with the Healy.

HEALY is a device for the treatment of chronic pain, fibromyalgia, bone pain and migraine, as well as for the concomitant treatment of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety and related sleep disorders.

HEALY is the first and only Class II wearable medical device that easily assists us in the most important areas of our lives with the use of frequencies. It is so small that we can easily use it as a control unit with the smartphone.

This simple device analyzes the frequencies we need right now. After the analysis, gentle currents and personalized frequencies are applied to our body through electrodes on the wrist, ears or with adhesives, depending on the program to be applied.

The most incredible thing about HEALY is that it has a quantum sensor inside that analyzes our energy field every 15 seconds, so it can send frequencies we need at any time. The HEALY adjusts its frequencies to each person according to their lifestyle. And the best: THIS WORKS ONLINE, too!

You want to know if and how quantum physics can help you. Then book your Healy analysis today for 59 €, which can also be credited to a coaching package.

YES, I would like to book a HEALY analysis

As an official partner of Bioniq, we integrate vitamins and minerals to support your performance.

Surely you know these times….

You lie in bed at night and your thoughts don’t stop. Looking at the alarm clock drives you crazy, you know exactly that you have to get up soon. The night is over and you’re struggling to get out of bed. Moisturizer and makeup can only conceal the dark circles, but the bad mood and irritability do not disappear so quickly. Not to mention that at 6:00 am your day feels like it’s already midnight.

Based on your blood values, your lifestyle and the medical history sheet, you will receive a vitamin and mineral product tailored to you. The future of nutrition has begun and your sleepless nights, irritability and fatigue no longer stand a chance. In addition to supplements, you’ll also get nutrition tips and, of course, you can use the Healy for support. Holistic coaching at its finest!

You want to know more about our partner? Or you want to know how the blood test works, then make a consultation appointment today and secure your 25€ bonus.


Link directly to BIONIQ

I’m sure you’ve also said “My gut tells me…” or “That’s where my gut gets in touch…”

There are many more nerve cells in our intestines than in our brain, which is why it is so incredibly important to keep them healthy. If our microbiome is not in order, we are more often exhausted, tired, irritated, even the immune system is negatively affected.

My self-experiment with the Share® products finally freed me from the annoying bloated belly and digestive discomfort after decades. Now I would like to give you and as many people as possible enable access to holistic well-being – and this well-being begins in the intestine, that has been comprehensively confirmed scientifically today.

What’s different about Share Plum than dried plums you can buy in drugstores or health food stores?

The ShareOriginal® plum

Fermented Japanese apricot (green plum) has been used in China for over 1,500 years to strengthen Qi (the life energy that resides in the digestive system). For generations, the popular “magic fruit” has already been used in farming families of South-East Asia. It is a valuable treasure of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

Handpicked for your well-being

ShareOriginal® plums are allowed to grow wild in a 150 km² bee sanctuary in South East Asia and are harvested by hand. The “Prunus mume”, the botanical name of the fruit, is then fermented in its own fruit juice for at least 30 months. The recipe of this processing is a well-kept secret for decades. Afterwards, the ShareOriginal® plums are coated with high-quality herbs. And because, as is well known, the best comes at the end, each individual plum is packed airtight, so that another fermentation process can take place in the packaging.

Effect according to TCM: Strengthens QI

Benefits at a glance:
• Daily basic alkaline supply
• According to TCM supports the well-being in the intestine
• Take in the evening before bedtime
• Fermented Japanese apricot (green plum)
• Fermented for 30 months in its own fruit juice
• Coated with herbs: Mulberry fruit powder, mate leaves, carrot extract
• Rich in valuable microorganisms and enzymes
• Whole fruit – contains a seed
• Light brown crystalline to dark brown moist

So, you see, not comparable to the Roman products that you can buy everywhere.

The price? About 2 EUR per day. Are you worth it to yourself and your gut? Rather give up your coffee at Starbucks and invest in the little miracle plum 😄

Here you can order directly: SHARE PRODUCT LINK

And the best part:

You get 7% discount with my code. Just enter at the end of your order MUUTOS7 and the package costs 7% less.



28 days DETOX
Online via WhatsApp

I have experienced the importance of nutrition more than once in my life. If the right nutrients are missing, our body quickly gets out of balance.

More info
28 days Detox Challenge – online


I have experienced the importance of nutrition more than once in my life. If the right nutrients are missing, our body quickly gets out of balance. That’s why we have the 28 DAY Challenge, according to Anthony Williams. You can join at any time and be inspired by the group.

To be able to experience oneself in depth requires mindfulness, patience and a loving self-acceptance. Many people have not learned what self-love means. A search for love on the outside, unfavorable behavior patterns, mental and emotional blockages is the result.

This often leads to unfavorable eating behavior as well. Inspired by the book Medical Medium by Anthony Williams, I would like to inspire you to try it yourself.

After 25 years of Buchinger therapeutic fasting, I myself have faced this experiment and found that it brings about a whole new attitude towards life. Since I have the Eppstein Barr Virus in me, which shows up every now and then in various ways, I thought it was worth a try.

With my experience, I would like to encourage you. Courage to try something new and maybe even to fall on your face with it at first.

In my Detox Group we regularly report on fasting successes and also failures, share recipes and tips on how to overcome certain behaviors. Eventhough the group is in German, you can participate and use Google or Deepl translator. We also have Spanish in the group. the more we are, the better!

If you like, just join us and let the many other participants support you. You can download the plan by clicking the button.

  • Get to know yourself even better through fasting
  • Discover your blocking thoughts that make you turn to stimulants unnecessarily
  • Exercise together in a group. Whether yoga or early morning exercise at 6:30 am you are very welcome
  • Detach from past burdens and return to self-love

Have I sparked your interest? Then let’s go, we are waiting for you in the group!



23. January 2023 – Entry at any time!


at your home via WhatsApp





Aigües, Spain // 26.04.-30.04.24

Who am I? And what do I really want in life? In this retreat you will embark on your personal SOUL journey to find yourself.


More info


Your SOULJOURNEY – Alicante, Spanien


Who am I? And what do I really want in life? In this retreat you will embark on your personal SOUL journey to find yourself.

Spend four nights in a beautiful country house, near the Spanish coastal city of Alicante, with other wonderful souls from around the world who are ready to walk their soul path and live it consistently.

You can expect daily yoga, meditations and lived mindfulness. You have time for yourself, or to exchange ideas with the other participants. There are guided walks and the possibility for excursions in the nature.

In your free time you have the possibility to book massages or bioenergetic treatments with the HEALY. Or you can treat yourself to a holistic coaching session with Nicole.

All meals and drinks with the meal are included.

  • Learn to make yourself a priority without feeling selfish
  • Listen and honor your inner guidance
  • Reconnect with your true core and find back to your inner strength
  • Finally it’s your turn – this is your journey

Our retreat will be held in German, with translation to English and Spanish available if needed. Flights to Alicante are available within Europe with Lufthansa, Iberia or RyanAir, among others.


We have limited spaces, so it’s best to book as early as possible for the best price.


15. – 20. Sept 2022 – sold out

20. – 25. April 2023 – sold out

26. – 30. April 2024

June 2024 in planning


Finca Bilou, Aigües, Alicante, Spain


from 711, -EUR per person*

Further information by email via the registration button

* Early bird (only till 31.12.2023)

Refund Policy: Refund requests must be made in writing via email to A cancellation fee of 99 EUR will be charged. There will be NO refund after March 1st, 2024.



El Campello, Spain // 28.09.-01.10.23

You look for something special? Here you go: a new combination of MUUTOS YOGA and DETOX. An exciting journey in which you will find out a lot about yourself and your habits. Start again with fresh energy in your everyday life.

More info
El Campello, Spain // 28.09.-01.10.23

YoTox, is a combination of MUUTOS Yoga and detox.

The Yin and Yang energy is an essential part of our life. Each of us should learn to find our inner balance to be healthier, more productive and happier. It is important to bring our lives into a balance of the physical, mental and emotional, and spiritual.

And that’s exactly what we achieve in this 4-day retreat under the Spanish sun. The Yin Yoga elements will help you achieve a healthy balance. You will learn to be one with your body and rediscover the quiet voice of your soul.

Other components of the retreat include:

✅ Know your yin energy: This means doing regular relaxation exercises like meditation or yoga to find inner peace and serenity.

✅ Accept the duality of Yin and Yang: This means to be ready for both sides of life – the positive and the negative – the masculine and the feminine – alternately, we work this out in small coaching sessions.

✅ Connect with nature: Use natural phenomena like sunrise or sunset as inspiration to live in harmony with the natural cycle of give and take. The surroundings are perfect for hikes where we can live out our Yang energy.

✅ Together in the group you will learn how to deal with food in a mindful way. The food consists of smoothies, juices and soups. So that you can wonderfully also physically detoxify.

We have a limited number of seats, so it is best to book as early as possible to get the best price.


28.09. – 01.10.2023

April/May 2024 in planning


El Campello, Ahoy Appartments, Spain


from 511, -EUR per person*

You will receive more information by email

* Early bird (only until 31.07.2023)

Refund Policy: Refund requests must be made in writing via email to A cancellation fee of 99 EUR will be charged. There will be NO refunds after Sept 15, 2023.




Seminarzentrum Rückersbach // 01-02.-04.02.24

Erfolg & Seele der Summit der besonderen Art. Sowas hat es noch nicht gegeben.

Zeige dich endlich so wie du wirklich bist. Souverän, mit all deinem Wissen. Wir lösen Blockaden und schauen hinter deine Maske. Hinterlasse Spuren bei deinen Kunden und gewinne mit Leichtigkeit neue dazu.

Mehr Info
Seminarzentrum Rückersbach // 01.02.-04.02.24

Es wird einfach leichter in 2024!

Was hat dich bisher daran gehindert, erfolgreich zu sein?

Stell dir vor, du könntest innerhalb von 4 Tagen alles auflösen, was dich bisher daran gehindert hat, mit Leichtigkeit deinen Weg zu gehen und erfolgreich zu sein.

Du kannst deine körperlichen und mentalen Blockaden auflösen.
Du lernst in einem Satz zu formulieren, was dich ausmacht und was dein Kundennutzen ist. doch nicht nur das – Du trittst endlich souverän vor der Kamera auf und nimmst sogar Aufnahmen von deinem authentischen Ich mit nach Hause.
Weil du endlich zu dir stehst und Alles nach Außen geben kannst.

Was hindert dich daran, einen Workshop zu buchen, der dir genau das gibt?

Wer steht hinter dem Projekt:

✅ Nicole Beissler steht für YOGA & LEICHTIGKEIT

✅ Jolanthe Bendik steht für HYPNOSE & TIEFE

✅ Christiane von Beuningen steht für MODERATION & RICHTIGE FRAGEN

✅ und der Hahn im Korb Henry Staroste steht für VIDEO & POSITIONIERUNG

✅ Weitere Informationen folgen in Kürze!

Wir haben nur begrenzte Plätze, also am besten frühestmöglich zum besten Preis buchen.


01.02 – 04.02.2024


SeminarZentrum Rückersbach GmbH
Kolpingstr. 1
63867 Johannesberg



ab 2597, -EUR pro Person*

Weitere Informationen erhältst du per Email

* Frühbucher (nur bis 31.10.2023)

Rückerstattungsrichtlinie: Rückerstattungsanträge müssen schriftlich per E-Mail an gestellt werden. Es werden 199 EUR Stornogebühr berechnet. Nach dem 31. Dezember 2023 erfolgt KEINE Rückerstattung.


Every journey starts with the first step…

also the journey to yourself. I can’t take that step for you, but I guarantee I’ll be by your side when you’re ready!

Arrange your free get-to-know conversation today and together we will find out WHEN, WHERE and HOW your individual journey into your new life can start.

Opening hours

Mon-Fri: 8 AM – 6 PM
Sat-Sun: by arrangement


(+49) 1590 483 68 66

(+34) 644 07 04 51

Address Spain

Calle Rio Segre 19
03420 Castalla, Alicante